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Joanne Dixon ACA CTA BA(Hons)

My name is Joanne Dixon and I own and run Taxnfacts. I started my career as a Chartered Accountant and Chartered tax Adviser back in 1989 - I know I don't look that old but it's true! 

My career spans over 30 years. I qualified with Haines Watts and have worked for KPMG and Grant Thornton. In later years I worked in smaller local practices in West Yorkshire. I also spent time working in industry seeing accountancy from the other side of the fence, so to speak. 

In 2004 l I moved to Spain and spent 14 years enjoying the sun, sea and sangria. When I wasn't on the beach I was working as a contractor to other accountants and for international organisations, specialising in ledger management and payroll.

Then in 2018 I moved to the Outer Hebrides (what a contrast!) which is where I now call home. I bought and renovated an old croft house and now spend my days working for both local and UK wide individual and business clients or walking, exploring the stunning countryside and beaches.

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Who we are: Who We Are
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